Target contaminations

The injection of zeolite microparticles suspension into the aquifer can trap various organic substances. Our main targets are MTBE, phenols, PAHs, and halogenated hydrocarbons, such as dichloromethane and chlorobenzenes. Nitroaromatic compounds like TNT can also be treated, as well as TPHs.


With TrapOx®, sorption processes strongly enhance the degradation of persistent pollutants. We create highly reactive zones in the aquifer, where the pollutants are first accumulated and then successively treated.

Main application

  • Fast removal of contaminant plumes and -source zones.
  • also for persistent contaminants
  • Highly adsorptive and reactive
  • Advanced ISCO
  • Regeneration of the reactive zone possible

Properties of TRAPOX®

Patents exclusive licence by Intrapore
Specific surface ~ 600 m²/g
Particle size ~ 0.5 μm
Injection concentration ~10 g/L
  • iron exchanged zeolites,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • water

Two steps process

1. The iron zeolite matrix is injected into the aquifer, creating a stable barrier that traps toxic pollutants.

2. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is then injected and activated by a catalyst in the adsorber, forming highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (OH·). These radicals effectively degrade the pollutants.

Fenton reaction

The Fenton reaction is the principle on which TrapOx° is based. It allows the formation of highly reactive OH. which will degrade the contaminants.

Application example

In the area of a highway petrol station, there were elevated concentrations of BTEX, TPHs, MTBE and ETBE in soil and groundwater, due to underground leaking storage tanks.

TrapOx® was the solution chosen to permanently reduce the contaminants below the threshold level and prevent the spreading of the contaminant plume.


  • Drastic and permanent contaminant decrease
  • After H₂O₂ injection, the contamination level dropped from 1,000 to 10,000 μg/l to values below the legal thresholds.

Contaminants concentrations

Decrease of MTBE and ETBE concentrations after the TrapOx® and H₂O₂ injections. The treatment is highly effective, as well as for TPHs.

Lab tests

The effectiveness of TrapOx® as an innovative technology to remediate the contaminated groundwater is also confirmed by lab tests.

(A) Decrease in concentration of pollutants with increase TrapOx® particle concentration and (B) Time-resolved decrease in pollutant concentrations with TrapOx® particles (10 g/L particles, adsorption time 24 h, 8 g/L oxidant, V = 30 mL; analysis via GC-MS).

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