Intrapore solution finder
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With our particle-based soil and groundwater remediation products, numerous types of contaminations can be treated safely and sustainably - even under built-up areas. Which pollutants are causing you problems?

Our products for
in situ remediation


Rapid and sustained in situ immobilzation of organic contaminants

On a sustainable basis: Intrasorp® can be precisely adapted to the different adsorption behaviour of the respective pollutants. MOHCs, BTEX, PAH and many other organic pollutants can thus be quickly and permanently immobilised and removed from the downstream groundwater flow.

More information about Intrasorp®


Unique and patented in situ immobilization of heavy metals

Effective remediation of groundwater: Aquaferrox® enables the permanent binding of heavy metals and metalloids in groundwater. The dissolved ions are safely immobilised by adsorption. Aquaferrox® is characterised by high adsorption capacity, thermodynamic stability and ecotoxicological safety. Easy to apply with standard direct-push systems.

More information about Aquaferrox®


For the degradation of halogenated pollutants

CarboIron® is the sustainable and exceptionally effective alternative to conventional iron – and this applies with equal regard to mobility during injection, sustainable reactivity and effectiveness. Organic halogen pollutants such as PCE and TCE are effectively and permanently immobilised, being fully degraded into ethene and ethane.

More information about CarboIron®


For the treatment of persistent pollutants

With TrapOx®, combined adsorption and reaction zones can be created in which especially persistent pollutants can be enriched and degraded on a successive basis.

The preferred areas of application include effluent plumes of persistent organic pollutants such as phenols, large PAH molecules, halogenated hydrocarbons such as dichloromethane and chlorobenzene, or MTBE.

More information about TrapOx®


Rapid and sustained in situ PFAS immobilization

PFAS remediation places the highest demands on the in situ materials. With Intraplex® activated carbon, Intrapore offers a colloidally stabilized suspension that is injected directly into the contaminated aquifer, where it rapidly and permanently immobilizes PFAS.

More information about Intraplex®

More than 400 projects for clean groundwater.

As one of the global pioneers of environmental remediation, we are dedicated to offering rapid, and permanent remediation of contaminated soils and groundwater with the latest procedures.

Our method: particle-based in situ remediation. We offer suspensions of patented microparticles for groundwater remediation into contaminated aquifers. The particles react with the pollutants on site, deep within the ground, and degrade them.


Applied in Europe.
Made in Germany.

Intrapore offers solutions for soil and groundwater remediation with the use of  microparticles.  Our patented particle suspensions allow us to remediate even the most challenging forms of contamination.

Our company was founded in 2015 by geoscientists and industry experts with many years of experience in site and contaminated area remediation. We have been ranked as an “outstanding research-based start-up project”, and designated as an innovative company by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Our headquarters are situated on the premises of the Zollverein coal mine in Essen. From a location in which coal was mined until recently, we now offer our services for clean groundwater all over Europe.

Product launch: Flurolock®

PFAS are highly mobile in groundwater systems, due to their high solubility in water.
Typically, a large remediation effort is made to contain and treat the vast PFAS plumes, which have formed due to this effect

This is where Fluorolock® comes into play. We developed a clay mineral-based, microscale adsorber

  • which is specifically designed for the treatment of water-unsaturated PFAS infiltrations zones above the groundwater surface.
  • With Fluorolock®, PFAS can be effectively adsorbed, immobilized and hence confined within the water-unsaturated zone
  • before being leached into the groundwater.

Visit our new Fluorolock® product page.

Reducing CO2 and
saving on energy costs

CO2-neutral environmental remediation: Intrapore’s in situ procedures are minimally invasive. After injecting our suspensions into the contaminated areas of soil or groundwater, the system reacts practically “by itself”. The suspension attaches itself to the soil matrix, creating a kind of filter, a permeable reactive zone. The contaminated groundwater flows through it and is passively cleaned through interaction with the reactive zone.

No energy is required – our process is climate-friendly and almost CO2-neutral and saves an incredible amount of costs for energy. Intrapore’s in situ remediation thus differs significantly from classical methods such as “pump & treat”: here, powerful pumps have to run continuously to intercept the groundwater, sometimes for decades.

Intrapore was founded to protect our valuable resource, groundwater, against the backdrop of global warming. Therefore, as a company, we ourselves strive for CO2 neutrality: We travel by train instead of taking the car. We do without short-haul flights. We buy 100% green electricity. This fits in with our claim as an environmental and water company to lead the way in the transformation to a sustainable society.

We’ll attend
these trade fairs in 2024:


9 – 12 SEP 2024
Uppsala, SE

Remtech Expo

18 – 20 SEPT 2024
Ferrara, IT

Symposium Strategien zur Boden- und Grundwassersanierung

25 – 26 NOV 2024
Frankfurt aM, DE